Branding, Packaging, Logo Design

Illustration, Editorial Design, Typography

Branding : B2
Graphic Design, Illustration, Advertising

Branding : Cheribim
Graphic Design, Branding, Logo Design

玉虎迎新 : 2022 Year of The Water Tiger
Illustration, Graphic Design, Visualization

Illustration, Packaging, Print Design

Branding: Pagoda
Graphic Design, Branding, Icon Design

The Sydney Statement
Branding, Editorial Design, Illustration

平凡的我们 The Ordinary Us
Character Design, Typography, Illustration

Branding: titled
Branding, Typography, Print Design

Calligraphy, Creative Direction, Illustration

Australia Post : 2020 Lunar New Year - Year of the Rat
Character Design, Illustration, Graphic Design

2020 Year of the Rat 鼠年
Graphic Design, Illustration, Typography

The World is Our Home: Jesuits Australia
Editorial Design, Graphic Design, Print Design

Character Design, Illustration, Print Design

Gentle Disturbance
Graphic Design, Photography, Film

The Rocks Village Bizarre : City of Thought
Exhibition Design, Graphic Design, Interaction Design

Cana Communities : Celebrating 40 years
Branding, Editorial Design, Typography